My Arabian Tempeh
My Arabian touch was added to this Tempeh and it’s quite possible that is has never been done before, but I had to do it! My chick pea tempeh is completely Arabian in taste. The version I made is with Cumin Seeds, but I am not done. I am thinking of slicing and dehydrating it, dusting it again with Toasted Cumin Seed Salt. Stay tuned for how I use my version of Tempeh.
If you’re new to Tempeh, it is an Indonesian word referring to a variety of Fermented foods (usually cooked legumes), bound together by a dense mycelium of Fragrant White Rhizopus mold into compact cakes. Most popular of these is Soy Tempeh, typically cut into thin strips and fried or cubed and added to stew. Today we might call these tempeh varieties meat analogs, since they have the same texture, flavor, and high protein content as many meats. Whatever your use, it is absolutely versatile and this Chick Pea version has a taste like none other.
Tempeh is unique among major traditional soy-based foods and the only one that did not originate in China or Japan. It originates in Central or East Asia, around what is now Indonesia. I have literally dived into the history of Tempeh to understand and appreciate it, while paying homage to Arabian Cuisine.
You may be asking what made me even think of this. I am reading a lot these days, some books for me are the holy grail of cooking and I’m not reading for recipes. Almost the complete opposite. I am finding immense inspiration in the books, because it is the technique I am after. Each Chef or Restaurant author has a technique applied which highlights a distinct flavor or approach. Who says you can’t make Tempeh with Chick Peas? Or add Tahini to a classic French technique of dessert making (this is for another blog). I guess my point is to break out of your box, to think what could be, while learning the key fundamentals of what is.
I believe technique is what grounds Chefs in the fundamentals of cooking, but it can also limit if you don’t start to lend what you learn to different ingredients and cuisine.
Arabian Chick Pea Tempeh